Meeting documents

  • Meeting of Services Overview Committee, Tuesday, 9th October, 2018 6.30 pm (Item 65.)


The Members of the Leisure Working Group had recommended that the proposed development be renamed the Chiltern Lifestyle Centre to reflect the wider range of facilities to be offered by the centre. 


Some relocation of play facilities was required ahead of the proposed development and the meeting was advised that it was intended that the younger children’s play area would be maintained by the appointed leisure provider.


District wide public information events had been carried out and currently 1,250 responses had been received, of which 86% were in favour.  The operator tender process would identify the income payable to the Council.  The management income and final build cost estimates would be known before final decisions were made in June 2019.


Members raised the following concerns about the project:

1.     That there had been inadequate consideration of the options available to use existing facilities.

2.     No other alternatives had been considered.

3.     Anticipated usage levels may be overestimated.

4.     The effect on the other facilities in Chesham and Chalfont St Peter that were currently successful hadn’t been taken into consideration.

5.     Bucks County Council withholding support for the library.

6.     Too many contractors being consulted.

7.     Risk of Operator “get out” clauses.



It was advised that a review of the Chiltern Pools had been commissioned and would be reviewed by Resources and Services Overview Committees. A report to mitigate any risk to Chesham and Chalfont St Peter Leisure Centres would also be reported Resources and Services Overview Committees.


The previously reported structural survey of Chiltern Pools identified significant failings limiting the future life of the Chiltern Pools.  Alternative sites had been sought within the District but this was the best location.  The final decision would not be made until the final business plan considered the income to the council, the cost of borrowing and the build costs.


It was generally agreed that the name was not right but to avoid further debate, it was agreed that this could be taken as a working title or project name.


With regard to the cost to council taxpayers, it was advised that the intention was that the income from the centre would pay for the loan.


There was also a reminder that the current operator’s contract ended in 2020 which was fast approaching so there was a deadline to work to.


RESOLVED to recommend to Cabinet:


1.     To note the decision of the Director of Services to appoint a main contractor for the construction of the new centre under the Southern Construction Framework.


2.     To agree the project name of the community and leisure development to be ‘Chiltern Lifestyle Centre’.


3.     To agree that Chiltern District Council would be responsible for the installation of all play facilities as part of the main construction contract.


4.     To note the replacement costs of the play equipment will be met by Chiltern District Council as part of the development costs of the Chiltern Lifestyle Centre.


5.     To agree that Chiltern District Council would be responsible for the management and maintenance of all play facilities on its land.


  1. Members to note that Amersham Town Council will be responsible for the management and maintenance of all play facilities on its land.


  1. To delegate authority to the Head of Healthy Communities, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Support Services, to agree with Amersham Town Council the design and construction of any play areas or development facilities to be located on the Town Council’s land, including the provision of play equipment, soakaways and surface water drainage systems and works access arrangements through the land swap contract.


  1. Should any management and maintenance responsibilities fall upon Chiltern District Council as a result of any agreement with Amersham Town Council because it is necessary to facilitate the location of play equipment and facilities development, it is agreed those responsibilities shall be passed on to the leisure centre operator.


  1. To agree to make budgetary provision for the Pre-Construction Services Agreement (PCSA) fee from the leisure reserve. 


  1. That the Head of Healthy Communities, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Support Services, be authorised to draw down up to £250,000 of capital funding to enable the project to progress to the next key decision stage which is the Stage 4a refinement of the design prior to Cabinet approval to proceed



Note 1:  Councillor L Smith left the meeting at 7.50 pm and Councillor Rush left at 8.10 pm.




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